Your ticket to the IPO profit party

There’s a rumor going around Wall Street that Uber is scheduled to go public at some point during 2019.

If you’re the type of person who steers clear of taxis and other ride-sharing services, then this brand name might not ring a bell…

Just know that Uber alone is worth well over $100 BILLION!

With that much cash moving into the market it almost guarantees profitable investment opportunities for traders.

The only problem is all the insiders and higher-ups are likely to beat you to the punch once this initial public offering takes place.

That’s why I’ve listed 3 simple ways you can get in on all the action beforehand.

Like I said, it’s usually only the extremely well-off individuals who get to participate in big paydays following IPOs.

Considering Uber itself serves as the face of a rapidly growing multibillion dollar industry, you’re not the only one who’s looking to tap into the kind of gains that come along with such a valuable company…

As the saying goes: “It takes money to make money”. So, how does an average investor such as yourself get an invite to the profit party?

Once way to go about this is to invest in a publicly traded company that owns a sizeable share of Uber private stock.

Alphabet Inc. (GOOG), Microsoft Corp. (MSFT) and Softbank (SFTBY) are just a few examples of major Uber investors that you can buy into now.

Owning a piece of any of these companies will reflect Uber’s performance leading up to its introduction to the stock market.

It’s simple. When Uber’s private stock goes up, these other companies experience strong gains as well!

It’s essentially a loophole to piggybacking returns from companies on the verge of entering the market.

Another option you have at your disposal is to speculate on a competitor’s stock.

Take Medallion Financial Corp. (MFIN) for example…

The company currently writes and services loans for taxicab businesses in major U.S. markets like New York City.

Because of the ties it has with traditional ride-sharing services, Medallion Financial Corp. butts heads with companies like Uber who are looking to modernize the industry as a whole.

That said, if Uber starts to turn bearish then investors can still profit by investing in companies such as Medallion Financial Corp. as they would skyrocket after the fact.

Whether you’re dealing with bears or bulls, just know that this tactic works both ways…

Still, if you’re looking for a more direct approach to making the most out of Uber once it goes public, then the accredited investor approach may be your best bet.

The thing is, taking this route tends to be a little less realistic for most people because it requires you to have a net worth of at least $1,000,000 or proof that you earned an annual income of $200K for 2 years straight.

If you meet either of these qualifications then you have a horse in the race and can give money to the private equity companies to invest in Uber while it’s still private.

There’s EASY money to be made from Uber’s decision to go public this year.

As an investor, you don’t want to miss out on it!

Feel free to get in on these profits by purchasing shares of brands that already own a portion of Uber private stock or getting into companies like Medallion Financial Corp. who rival the same ride-sharing services that Uber has to offer.

If you’re in a position to take the accredited investor approach though, then have at it.

Just know that a multibillion dollar company like Uber is sure to bring some solid returns to Wall Street once its name is added to the roster.