YOUR ticket to cracking the crypto system

Whether you follow cryptocurrency or not, you’ve undoubtedly heard of Libra. It’s all anyone can talk about!

The new currency will launch next year, and the question on everyone’s mind is: will this mean profits?

I can tell you that it definitely will, but maybe not in the way you expect.

Don’t let them pull the wool over your eyes and trick you out of the HUGE profits to be made with this change to the crypto system.

If you follow my advice, I can hand you thousands of dollars with this simple advice.

There is no stopping the technological takeover. And a huge part of that is cryptocurrency. Whether we like it or not, we have seen the future, and it is digitized.

Apparently, Facebook, Visa, Uber, and Andreessen Horowitz have seen the future too, because they are going all in with the announcement of their new cryptocurrency, which is scheduled to launch in the first half of 2020.

Each company has invested an upwards of $10 million in the Libra Association, which tells us…what exactly?

Well, the Establishment will try to tell you that it means big trouble for the future of currency, yelling out words like oligarchy and unrestricted, and generally acting like the sky is falling.

The Wall Street suits, on the other hand, are split right down the middle, with half touting Libra as a new goldmine, and half calling it the end of trading as we know it.

I’m here to help you sort through all the rambling and tell you how to turn Libra into a profit.

And the first thing we have to do is simple: forget about Libra entirely.

Because here’s the thing—while the rest of the world has been squabbling about what Libra means for the future, the longstanding crypto currencies have continued on their merry way, making millions for those who know where to look.

Imagine that Facebook and all its companions under the Libra umbrella are magicians.

Well, Libra is their biggest trick.

While everyone has been looking at the announcement of the new cryptocurrency, Bitcoin (BTC) has quietly risen 23.8% since the announcement of Libra.

So, in this magic trick, Libra is the misdirection, and Bitcoin is where the magic really is.

Sure, Libra is flashy and new—but it’s also a risk. No one can quite decide what it means or how they feel about it, and that means unpredictability.

But this is great news for you.

Because while all the bigwigs and seasoned investors obsess over the ‘next big thing,’ you can casually rake in the profits from what has now become the ‘safe bet’ in the chaos of cryptocurrency.

For anyone smart enough to look toward Bitcoin last week while the rest of the world turned away, profits amounted to a MINIMUM of $2,181 in just 6 days.

For the brave investor willing to throw more into the ring, profits would have amounted to $21,816 or higher.

So let the rest of the world go on talking about Libra. You know better. You know where the real money magic is happening.