Your scheduled profits are nearing

jim-samsonNot everything goes according to plan all of the time, but if it does this time, there are select stocks that are practically scheduled to climb.

And that climbing could result in big money if you know what to watch, where to put your money, and when to put it there.

So here’s the thing to watch, which stocks are “scheduled” to rise, and when that could all happen…

Forget about Greece, potential fallout in Europe, and all of that.

Sure, that’s caused the market to falter a bit and hit a low point, but I’m not overly concerning myself with Greece’s economy because I’m hunting profits.

And what could be better than scheduled profits?

I’m talking about knowing when and how profits could start rolling your way.

Right now I’m going to cover the 3 things you need to snag these scheduled profits if everything goes according to plan:

1.    What to watch for,
2.    Where to invest your money, and
3.    When cash could start rolling into your account!

Here we go…

First, what you need to watch for is the next move of Janet Yellen, Chairwoman of the Federal Reserve. More specifically, you need to watch for her to start raising interest rates.

That’s what investors all over have been anxiously waiting for, and what could spark our scheduled profits.

Second, set your sights on where you should be placing your money when the time comes and Yellen starts making her move.

And this is exactly where I’m talking about: Utilities.

Please allow me to explain…

If you’ve been paying close attention to the stock market, you know that utilities stocks have actually been the worst performers of any sector through the first 6 months of the year- down 11%.

It appears that investors fearing the introduction of interest rates have been quick to punish utilities stocks because of the harm they can cause to dividend yields.

But if rates are raised in a controlled manner (how the Fed has planned) then a slowly rising 10-year bond yields could easily push utilities upward as well, potentially more than enough to outperform the overall market significantly.

The key is simply the Fed sticking to its plan.

Third, know when to make your move.

According to several insiders, rates are expected to start being raised around September, and then continuously lifted step-by-step through 2016.

If all goes according to plan, our scheduled profits could start rolling in soon after the first rate hikes in the fall.