Your ‘Jackpot Season’ starts now

sean-bowerIt’s one of my favorite times of year…Jackpot Season! And the very best part about it may very well be that hardly anyone else even knows what exactly Jackpot Season is.

In fact, the vast majority of people know it by a very different name – one that actually inspires fear in many cases.

But since I know how to ‘cheat’ at this game, I wake up with dollar signs in my eyes every morning this time of year. Now let’s make sure YOU are ready to reap the rewards of Jackpot Season, too…

There are several times each year when publicly traded companies relaese their quarterly earnings reports. Most people, professionals included, call it ‘earnings season’. And that name is often considered to be synonymous with volatility.

But I give it the much more festive name of ‘Jackpot Season’ because it can feel like every day is a new chance to hit a big winner.

I’m talking double-digit gains overnight.

And it’s all because I know how to effectively cheat at this game to almost rig it in my favor. I’m not actually doing anything wrong or illegal, of course. But I’m able to pick up the hints that nobody else does in order to see the most likely outcome for any given company during earnings season.

It’s no secret that there will be a significant number of stocks that experience double-digit jumps or falls due entirely to their respective earnings reports. If any given company delivers a report that are a surprise based on the expectations, the stock of that company will very likely The trick is seeing the result of that report before it’s released…

Now, different companies release their individual reports on different days (a simple internet search will deliver you the date and time for any given company). So before that date comes for Company XYZ, I’ll look at several factors to determine the most likely outcome:

  • Any trading volume increase…
  • A majority of buying or selling volume…
  • Trend of the stock…
  • The sector that company resides in…
  • Any direct or indirect factors impacting the company based on major market or economic events (such as Brexit)…

And when I have that information, I can easily tell if I should expect that jump up or that fall downward.

Then a properly placed trade aligned with that expected income will normally mean an overnight jackpot!

Right now, as we enter a brand new Jackpot Season, I’m guiding members of Midas Wave Alert and C.H.I.R.P. to the best jackpot opportunities as they unfold. So wouldn’t you like to wake up to an easy payday?