Your foolproof scam detector

Have you ever bought something online and thought it was a scam?

Don’t just sit there and hope for the best.

Now you can detect scams before they happen, and before you dish out cash to fakes and phonies.

Scam artists everywhere devise new ways to swindle you out of your money every day.

Put your gullible days behind you.

I’m going to hand you a foolproof scam detector that will protect you and your cash from now on.

Here at WSI TV, we talk about scams a lot.

Partially because we really want you to believe in our publication and our dedication to helping you.

But we also do it because there are hundreds of thousands of ways for you to get scammed.

We’ve been clued into some pretty nasty ones in the past, and I feel it’s our job to protect you from repeat offenders.

I also want to make sure you’re not getting bullied into other scams I may not have come across yet.

It’s so easy with technology and the Internet to pretend to be someone you’re not.

Unfortunately, too many scam artists take advantage of that to harm people like you.

I don’t want to see you stolen from, money, identity, or otherwise.

I have some insider knowledge that I’m going to share with you so we can ensure you’re never victimized.

The first step to scam detection is being wary.

While it may seem cynical, you can’t be too careful nowadays.

If you receive a letter, email, or phone call from someone you don’t recognize asking for money or selling a product, the safest course of action is to hold off.

Don’t send a check or your credit card numbers unless you’re absolutely sure the recipient is who they say they are and they’re actually offering what they promised.

For example, if you received one of our emails and you’re not sure who on earth Jordan Bishop is, that’s okay.

We’ve probably never met before and you should be cautious of the kind of promises I can make.

But the difference between me and other scammers is I genuinely have something to offer you.

The majority of our services come with a risk-free guarantee, so you’re not sending copious amounts of money somewhere you think you’ll never see them again.

Scam artists can’t make that promise because they either don’t have anything to offer and they just wanted your money, or their product isn’t what they say it is, and they can’t risk you finding that out.

The next step in foolproof scam detection is research.

I know, this seems like a lot of work, but I promise it’ll save you a lot of time and money in the future.

Say you do get a letter from a company offering you a service, but when you call the phone number provided there’s no answer, or their website is empty or doesn’t match what they said.

That should be a red flag that they’re not who or what they say they are.

Again, I’ll reference our services because I’m very familiar with them.

At WSI TV, not only can you call our customer service department whenever you have a question, you’re also welcome to visit our office should the need ever arise.

A scam artist working out of his garage can’t promise you that.

The last step to detecting scams without a doubt is fraud protection.

Many credit cards or other services offer fraud protection to their customers.

Once you’ve decided you can trust them, researched them, and covered your bases, the chances of you getting swindled basically disappear.

Now that you have these red flags pointed out to you, I hope you’ll feel better prepared to navigate the consumer world out there.

Not many companies will look out for your interests, and now you can for yourself, but always remember you’ve got a scam hunter in me on your side.