YOUR $93.7k profits from this insider scheme

We all know that The System is rigged. And yet, we keep letting the insiders take advantage of the little guy, ripping millions from the market while we struggle through the days, doing the right thing.

But what if I told you that you could get your hands on a hunk of the insider fortune without crossing any lines?

The insiders may be working the market, but we don’t have to let them screw us over, and we can earn big from their schemes just by knowing which stock to buy and when.

Today, I’ve uncovered the latest insider heist, and it can earn YOU $93,744 in less than a year!

All you have to do is follow my advice.

For the big guys behind the curtain, there is a particular tactic for making a company’s stock earn big. It’s called repurchasing.

Now, repurchasing is legal, but it’s just another loophole to hand millions back to the market bigwigs while the rest of us are expected to just stand by and watch.

But not today!

Because I’m in on their plan, and I’m going to share it with you.

First, what is repurchasing?

Repurchasing is when companies buy back chunks of their stock from the market when the company is successful.

When a company goes public, the shares it sells generates revenue to bolster the company. As a result, companies become successful and generate profits.

When companies choose to repurchase, they use those profits to buy back shares, putting more money in the pockets of the private owners, and taking away a percentage of the stock earning potential from the public.

The latest company to make a grab for its stock is Newtek Business Services Corp. (NEWT).

Newtek is an internally managed business development company which controls a wide range of secondary companies and provides business and financial solutions to small-and-medium sized businesses.

In other words, Newtek is a business that profits off other businesses. And now they’re profiting off their own business in a big way—at the potential expense of the public.

Between now and December 18th of this year, Newtek plans to repurchase 300,000 shares from the stock market, ripping the growing profits out of the hands of the individual.

But not from you.

Because even though this will mean less shares for public gain as of December, you can ride this profit high by getting into this stock choice now.

Newtek has already begun the process of buying back its stock, which has resulted in a 53% increase in the stock this year alone. For shareholders who had 10,000 shares at the start of the year, their current profits have reached a whopping $93,744 and gaining!

Let’s take a look at the numbers.

In this chart, we see a strong inclining channel for the stock beginning in February of 2016, and continuing through today. That’s over 3 years of consistent gains!

Plus, this company is about to skyrocket even more thanks to its current plans.

When companies repurchase shares, it leads to a decrease in supply, and therefore an increase in demand, driving the stock price up. That means that this earning spree has only just started, and now is your chance to get in on it.

But even without the repurchasing, this stock is still a strong bet, increasing 233% since 2016! But now, with the extra help of the greedy private owners, you can ride this stock all the way to the top.

Just think, if the price continues to rise like this, you could have $93,000 or more in your pocket by the end of the year! All you have to do is act now.