Why I love a slowing market

jim-samsonIf you read the Wall Street Informer columns regularly then you know all about the evolutions the market has gone through just in the past few months. By virtually all accounts, it’s been slowing down.

And while most investors, professional or not, cringe at the thought of the bull market losing steam, I welcome those circumstances with open arms.

Why? Because it gives me the chance to open up my arsenal and fire away like this…

Seeing what to love about a new bull market is pretty evident:

  • Virtually all parts of the market are on the rise,
  • It almost becomes difficult to not earn profits,
  • Everyone knows what to do—buy.

But as soon as that bull begins struggling to surge higher, you can hear the vast majority of people gasping just before they run for the hills if you listen closely.

If you’ve been one of those people, it’s not your fault.

There’s can be extreme pressure from all directions when it comes to how to “correctly” invest. Friends, neighbors, advisors, etc., can all make you feel like you have no idea what you’re doing if you say you’re excited to make some money as a bull market potentially enters it’s dying days.

But the truth is that those people often don’t know what they’re doing. Yes, even financial advisors and investment professionals included.

Most of those people don’t know how to make real money as a bull dies and a bear takes over.

However, people who know the secret to making money in any market realize that a slowing market gives us the chance to spread our wings. It opens up more options for us, and allows us the opportunity to make money in different ways.

For instance, one thing I’m excited about doing if the market continues to slow is to begin mixing in some short positions to my portfolio to take advantage of more and harsher dips in the market.

And since I know the secret to picking out both the strongest and weakest stocks, I’ll be more than prepared to continue earning profits from my long positions as well as add in some quick and easy profits from the stocks that are more susceptible to market falls.

All of that is why this is what to love about a slowing bull market:

  • More options and avenues through which to earn profits,
  • Weak stocks can become golden targets,
  • I can prepare to make the big money when the bull finally turns over into a bear.

So don’t be afraid of a slowing bull market. Instead, be ready to make more money. And if you haven’t yet, get the secret to picking out the strongest AND weakest stocks.

You’ll be able to profit from both with the secrets contained in Code Breaker.