Where money swings fastest

sean-bowerWall Street is not a 1-way street.

In fact, it’s more like a 6-lane highway with all kinds of turns, exits, merges, U-turns, and more. That’s because there are so many different avenues to take, and so many places to make money.

And this one in particular is where money can move the fastest…

There’s traditional stock trading, the options market, the futures market, foreign exchange, commodities, and plenty more to choose from on Wall Street.

But when I’m betting my money, I tend to stick to just a few areas that give me a chance to earn those big profits that could be—and have proven to be—a game changer.

And in order to make big money, it’s good to go where money usually moves the fastest—and that’s in penny stocks.

While there is no generally accepted definition for penny stocks other than “cheap stocks”, I try to stick to stocks near $5 per share or less, and I never go above $10 per share when picking out penny stocks for my readers and I.

Why does money move the fastest here?

There is more than just one reason, but possibly the biggest one is the fact that company insiders can have a huge impact on the price of their respective companies’ stock.

They can actually move the price and be responsible for a large portion of the trading volume, and that can lead to big price swings!

And when price swings occur, there is plenty of money to be won if you’re on the right side, and lost if you’re one the wrong side.

So how do you make sure you’re on the right one?

In the stock market, nothing is guaranteed, but in this particular situation, we could be right most of the time by following the insiders.

Again, the insiders don’t know everything and aren’t always correct, but they know much more than you or I do about their own companies, and they usually don’t spend hundreds of thousands, or even millions of dollars, on their company’s stock if they aren’t confident that the price will go up.

Remember the Golden Rule of the insider tracking: The insiders only buy because they think the price will go up and they want to make a profit.

That’s it. And we can use that rule to put ourselves in the best positions to profit.

And also remember that penny stocks often have the most potential to skyrocket from below the $10 mark into profit heaven.

All it takes is one brilliant innovation or one groundbreaking product from a new startup company to ignite that company’s stock.

And if we see the insiders buying up loads of shares in their own company, that could very well be a hint that they have a piece of privileged information about an innovation or new product that could lead to big profits!

And that’s the essence of my Penny Stock Insider monthly newsletter…

I hunt down the best penny stocks with the heaviest insider purchasing and bring them to my readers! If you would like to know which penny stocks those are, check out Penny Stock Insider.

Click Here: Get a free Pick and the 7 Secrets to Finding Top Penny Stocks