Where I’m finding big winners daily

jim-samsonThe best of the best—that’s all I look for in stocks that I even consider buying.

That means that any prospects I have must have everything going for them. In a bull market like this, that means I only look at stocks within the strongest sector or 2.

Here are the 2 sectors I’m looking into right now because they’re pumping out big winners every day…

Actually, before I get into the specifics of which 2 sectors are clearly the hottest right now, let me first tell you that there are 2 categories I tend to place “strong” sectors in:

1. Up-and-coming sectors – these sectors may have been down for some time, even one of the weakest sectors just a couple of months ago. But now they’re rising and doing it quickly.

2. Steady market-leading sectors – these sectors have been leading the way for months now, and they continue to give a solid performance no matter what the market is doing.

Right now, I see 1 sector in each of these categories that is clearly the frontrunner.

Up-and-coming sector on top: Basic Materials

The basic materials sector hadn’t given us much to like going back to the end of 2014 and beginning of 2015, but now might be its time to shine.

Over the past 2 weeks, basic materials outperformed every other market sector by a significant margin. And the same goes for the past month as well.

While some digging might need to be done to find the particular stocks within basic materials that are rapidly rising with the sector, the very best ones should definitely be worth the work.

Steady market-leading sector on top: Healthcare

Healthcare appears to be continuing its dominance as the strongest market sector. Despite a recent stall that allowed basic materials to overtake it in the 1-month and 2-week categories, there’s no doubting healthcare’s reign in the longer-term categories.

Even more interesting than that is the fact that healthcare has actually picked its pace back up as if it never stopped. At the moment, healthcare is the strongest sector over the past week and is doubling the performance of nearly every other sector in that time frame.

If you’re ready to enter some trades, look to basic materials and healthcare to lead the way. If you want to time your trade to perfection, check your email for an invitation to join Code Breaker.