Warren Buffett reveals your next jackpot payout

sean-bowerIt’s not very often that Wall Street Kingpin Warren Buffett offers advice on stocks that are affordable to the average investor, but he’s just given you a massive clue for your next jackpot payout.

This valuable information could be the catalyst for the financial turnaround you’ve been looking for, and it could be all thanks to Buffett.

The standard procedure on Wall Street sees the Berkshire Hathaway billionaire say “Jump!” and investors say, “how high?”

But this time he’s telling you how high you should jump, and you don’t want to miss it.

I always feel that Buffett sits in the middle of being a Wall Street expert and an inside trader.

It seems like anything he touches turns to gold—prices soar purely based on his word.

If he does so little as to mention a single stock, you can be sure keen investors will start buying it. And if he owns shares in that company already, the extensive buying from his followers then tend to push the price up, making his stock more valuable.

Nevertheless, he’s an extremely intelligent investor whichever side of the spectrum he falls on.

But this time he’s turning his praises on the whole market, and we’ve got a lot to gain from this single piece of information.

In the midst of all the stock market speculation, it’s hard to decipher how the market’s going to move forward.

In this case, the big question is: Are we in a market bubble that has to pop at some point? Or are stock prices where they should be?

When it comes to all these different media outlets condescending each other on the topic, there’s no better source to believe than Warren Buffett.

His latest analysis states that the market isn’t overbought and that it’s actually in a healthy place right now.

Which could trigger some very positive movement to set you up for your jackpot payout.

Whenever Buffett publicly speaks about a certain stock, you can be sure the valuation will start to climb.

For example, following Buffett’s word on Wells Fargo (WFC) back in November, when he continued to back the bank through all its mishaps, would’ve provided you with a jackpot payout of $5,800, if you bought 100 shares.

WFC has gained 27.3% and it’s still rising on the back of Buffett’s support.

Likewise, last November Buffet publicized that his company, Berkshire Hathaway (BRKB), bought shares in multiple airline companies, including United Airlines (UAL), which would’ve provided you with a jackpot payout of 24.4% your investment in the 3 months since then.

So, the fact that Buffett is putting his faith in the market means there’s plenty of jackpot payouts for you to take advantage of. BRKB could be one of them.

Buffett has some strong reasons behind his current optimism, and he points toward some major market indicators.

One of the major indicators that everybody seems to overlook is the value of interest rates, and at the moment they’re extremely low.

This means that any stocks you decide to buy could actually be extremely cheap investments that may be heading for that jackpot payout.

The main connection behind interest rates and the stock market is that you get more bang for your buck out of the stock market right now than any other investment.

If interest rates were to rise up to around 6%, it’d be a different story, but they’re currently set at 0.5%.

Not only are interest rates extremely low, but the 10-year treasury yield (the amount paid to you at the maturity of your treasury bonds) is sitting near a historical low point of 2.33%.

This means that any of your investments that return more than 2.33% are doing better than the 10-year treasury bonds. As you know, a 2.33% is an extremely small gain compared to what we’re used to.

So the biggest piece of information you should take from this in order to claim your next jackpot payout is to not limp out of any trades unnecessarily.

This sign from Buffett should be considered a good one for your investments, and if you let your trades breathe a little, you could claim your next jackpot payout before you know it.

As I’ve mentioned, Buffett’s influence is so great that any stock he talks about positively starts to climb up to higher prices, his influence after mentioning the strength of the entire market should have a similar effect.