Turning the Fed’s lie into your treasure map

jim-samsonThere are likely two main reasons that brought you to Wall Street Informer:

1. You’re ready to make life-changing money through the most powerful wealth-building resources we have access to, and…

2. You’ve always known (or at least had a feeling) that The Establishment is constantly lying to you for its own gain.

Those qualities are going to be what sets you free, and this article is going to be a solid step in that direction.

In essence, the Federal Reserve has been spinning a lie for months now, but I’ve discovered how to turn it into a treasure map. Here’s how to get yours…

First, follow what is likely to be your gut instinct and never take anything the Fed says as truth without first examining it. That can also be said for virtually any other Establishment entity (i.e. Big banks).

If you’ve been doing that, you’ve probably picked up on a pattern that keeps revolving around a lie that the Fed seemingly loves to tell the American people. And if you haven’t noticed it, don’t worry – that’s what I’m here for; to see through The Establishment’s veils and find out how to turn them into opportunities for you…

I’ll paraphrase, but here’s the lie that Chairwoman Janet Yellen and her gang of Federal Reserve henchmen have been spinning:

Based on strong financial data and a strengthening economy, we feel that there’s a good possibility that we’ll be resuming interest rate hikes beginning at the next meeting of the Fed.”

Now, of course the Fed has every right to consider rate hikes and either decide against them or change its mind based on new data. Where I take issue is when they know all along that a rate hike is entirely off the table, but they decide to lie to the public in order to manipulate the markets.

It works like this:

  • Talk of a rate hike makes investors expect a rate hike form the next Fed meeting.
  • The Fed meets and, of course, decide not to hike rates.
  • Because expectations were for a hike, the lack of said hike causes a sigh of relief and artificial boost to stocks.

It’s an insane carousel that’s happened several times this year already.

Oh, and by the way, a BIG reason that you can expect this cycle to continue is the fact that Yellen is a democrat, so she can’t allow the stock market to crash until after the election…

But I’m now using that lie as a treasure map, and putting myself in position to reap the rewards of that lie coming to fruition yet again.

And as with any good treasure map, it’s all about gold.

You see, a rate hike is detrimental to perceived value of gold. Without getting too deep into the relationship, higher rates normally mean devalued gold.

So, anytime the Fed talks up hikes, gold takes a hit. Make sense?

But that means that, after the devaluation has been priced into the market, gold has a strong probability of jumping up significantly once the Fed meeting comes around and rates inevitably stay the same!

It’s happened time and time again this year, and it’s already produced fantastic gains for gold.

So now you just need to know how to prepare yourself for gold’s jump…

Well, the Fed meets later on in September. By that meeting, you should be in a gold trade if you want to make this play.

Here are a few options:

1. GLD – this ETF tracks the metal. Although this may not provide the same amount of leverage that other options will, it’s probably the safest.

2. GDX – this is a play on gold miners. Now, gold miners have been taking the bigger hit lately based on the Fed’s not-so-subtle hints at a hike, and they normally move more readily than ETF’s tracking the metal. Based on that, I would expect securities tracking the miners to get a bigger bump than the metal. But, when the Fed finally does hike rates, miners would take a bigger hit.

3. UGLD – this is a big-money play. UGLD is a triple-leveraged ETF, which means it produces much bigger gains than GLD, but that also means it has the potential for larger losses as well. If you’ve seen the recent WSI TV episode on gold, you know how powerful this ETF has been.

When the timing is right, these trades turn into instant paydays. And I’ll be walking members of C.H.I.R.P. through the entire process with step-by-step instructions…