This ‘jackpot’ date is rapidly approaching

jim-samsonIt’s almost here…

I’m nearly drooling as I just think about it. And it’s not just me – my colleagues here at Wall Street Informer are all chomping at the bit.

Why? Because when the day I’m talking about arrives, pockets are going to be filled from making one simple move. How would you like to copy me as I do it and fill your own pockets?

Have you noticed anything odd about the stock market lately? While it’s virtually always going either up or down, the benchmark S&P 500 and the other major indexes have been stuck in a sideways rut…for months!

That’s not natural movement. Not at all.

But that also shouldn’t surprise any Wall Street Informer readers, because we’ve given you the reasons why this is a completely man-made, artificial market right now.

In case you’d like another look, here’s the quick version:

1. All signs were pointing downward, especially when a Fed rate hike at the beginning of the year sent the market plummeting. In fact, the table was set for the birth of a bear market.

2. Someone stepped in. You see, a market crash right before an election virtually guarantees that the “other guys” would win. So why would the party in power sit back and let it happen? That’s how Obama got in the White House after all. So the Fed has been under strict orders (it would seem) to keep this market propped up, and they have by promising rate hikes and then not following through.

But now the market is struggling to move any higher, and the day when the Fed can go back to letting the market take its natural course is nearly at hand…

When the election is over, there will be no reason to continue sacrificing rates for a relatively steady market. In fact, with a recession coming, rate hikes will be absolutely necessary considering the fact that the way to battle a recession is to lower rates!

So, there will have to be rates to lower, right?

No matter what happens, a rate hike mixed with no more Fed intervention will lead to bye bye, Mr. Bull Market.

And that means the natural consequences of a crashing market will finally come to fruition.

Now, I’ve been waiting years and years for this opportunity to come back around, and I’m certainly not going to miss it…

…I’ll just make the one simple move that will make sure I receive what I call the “Rollover Jackpot” when it happens…

And you can copy me as I do it, but only if you attend this year’s Annual Wealth Summit in December! Be on the lookout for your invitation…