This is how Trump wins the election

jim-samsonBarring some unforeseen scandal or new developments in the Hillary Clinton email story, there’s only 1 thing that will decide who becomes the next President of the United States.

As is the case with just about every presidential race, the voters who have yet to decide who they’ll be casting their vote for will be the ones to choose who will be working from the Oval Office for the next 4 years.

Those votes will be determined by 1 thing alone, and right now it’s pointing toward Hillary. But here’s the blueprint for a Trump victory…

Presidential elections are fascinating to me. They can be perceived as the most complex things in the world or the simplest things in the world.

I’ve gone back and forth on my own perception of these political heavyweight battles, but lately the latter version seems to be becoming more and more obvious.

Let me explain…

If you’re a Trump or Hillary supporter, you’re already going to vote accordingly no matter what. And in a tightly contested race, as polls are showing us this one is, the undecided voters will be the difference.

Now, what if I told you that the vote of the undecided, on the fence, up-in-the-air voters all hinges on just 1 thing?

You see, it’s a very simple equation that boils down to this:

  • A top priority for virtually everyone is how well his or her retirement savings account looks.
  • The performance of those retirement savings accounts depends on the stock market, at least in large part.
  • Human nature and the “what have you done for me lately” mentality running rampant in modern society ensures that we link the performance of the stock market in the months leading up to Election Day to the performance of the in-office party at that time.

And this isn’t just some abstract psychoanalytical view of voters – it’s had real impact.

Since 1928, 19 of 22 presidential elections have been correctly predicted by U.S. equities (stocks) between the incumbent and challenger.

When stocks have been higher leading up to the election, the candidate of the party in power has won the vast majority of the time. And when stocks have dipped within that same time frame, the challenging party has regained the White House the vast majority of the time.

The latter was perfectly exemplified when Barack Obama claimed the presidency after severe market turbulence leading up to the election.

The stock market is where it was all decided…

So here’s the oversimplified blueprint for a Trump victory in November: The stock market tumbling over the next few months as we lead up to Election Day.