This generation will never get to retire

jim-samsonYou plan on retiring someday, right? It’s all part of the American dream, in which a life of loyal service leads to a day when you no longer have to work for a living.

It pains me to say it, but an entire generation of people is set to lose their retirement hopes.

And we thought 2008 was bad…

A perfect storm is brewing, and very few shelters can keep you from financial harm. If you’re part of this cursed generation, retirement could soon become a fictional idea…

It could be your parents, your grandparents, or maybe even YOU.

If you’re part of a certain generation, this is likely your story:

After roughly 35 years of hard work, the stock market crash of 2008 wiped out a huge chunk of your retirement savings.

Almost a decade later, you’ve been able to build your wealth back to the level it was before the crash, just as you’re preparing to retire.

What if your savings get wiped out again…?

There’s an entire generation of people who are just about to retire or who have recently retired, all of whom are vulnerable to the perfect storm that could make the very idea of retiring disappear.

Here’s what the storm looks like:

  • The stock market recently hit a brand new all-time high. Additionally, we haven’t experienced a bear market in the past 7 years…
  • Because of that, there’s a new trend for the average investor, especially the investor who is nearing retirement age. This trend is to avoid traditional stock investments and brokers, and instead place all capital into tracker funds, which are mutual funds that mirror the actions of the major market indexes.
  • This is taking place as we’re climbing closer and closer to the edge of the cliff for the market. And as we teeter on the verge of falling off into a vicious bear market, retirement savings are once again on the verge of being devastated.

Imagine moving all your money into a fund that tracks the S&P 500 just before it crashes from all-time highs down to a level that could cut your retirement savings by a third…

This could be a reality for an entire generation, and I don’t want you to be a part of it.

Instead, I want you to find shelter…shelter that could actually allow you to profit from the coming storm!

Retirement doesn’t have to become an unattainable idea, and I’ll be making walking members of our premium recommendation services through each and every step…

Be on the lookout for Highfliers Hotline, a coming service that will show you exactly what to do and how to do it.