The world’s hottest stock delivered to your door

There’s nothing like relaxing on your couch knowing dinner is on the way.

Food delivery has extended further than we ever thought possible, and it’s no surprise that innovative companies are finding new ways to bring convenience to your doorstep.

But this groundbreaking company is taking the definition of “ease” to the next level.

Their new rewards program, the one I’m about to introduce you to, delivers not only dinner, but also the hottest stock in the world right now.

No longer will you be asked to dish out north of $10,000 a share to get in on the action.

These rewards are paid out to you simply for ordering takeout.

No matter your brand of takeout – soy-lathered fried rice and sweet fortune cookies or juicy pizza and garlic bread – Lolli is revolutionizing it.

The startup’s past involves impressive funding ($2.35 million) in August 2018, but it’s future is based solely in the integration of bitcoin.

Hopefully that word rings a bell, but if you’re unfamiliar with the world’s most famous cryptocurrency, in short, Lolli’s founders (and a lot of other people) think it’s the currency of tomorrow.

Cryptocurrency at its simplest is a decentralized form of currency secured by blockchain technology.

Blockchain is essentially the longest receipt known to man. The information regarding bitcoin transactions are all stored in this chain of data, untouchable by any one person or entity.

The draw of bitcoin in the future we face of ever-advancing technology is obvious – people don’t trust governments to regulate money, but we still need currency.

Enter bitcoin and its brethren. Other common crypto names you’ll hear thrown about include Ethereum, Litecoin, Ripple, and others.

These coins are mined by dedicated users with supercomputers who receive a small chunk of bitcoin for their efforts.

Because each miner is there on a voluntary basis, no one person controls the system. Sounds good right?

In the recent couple of months involving multiple global disputes and general uncertainty in the worlds’ markets, we’ve seen a massive rush towards what we call safety trades.

For decades, those trades have included bonds and material commodities. Crowd favorites are often treasuries and gold.

As bitcoin surges into the spotlight, investors wonder if crypto will possibly lend itself to safety trading.

Stocks are fickle, they represent the fear and greed of anyone who plays the market.

When bad things happen, or people are afraid they will, they run for the hills to their gold and bonds.

Bitcoin might be tomorrow’s gold, but there is its high volatility to consider.

The price range topped out at a massive $19,065 in 2017, and right now is sitting around $10,194.

While this new gold would return a lot more than the yellow metal, analysts fear its unpredictability.

That being said, you have nothing to lose if you obtain bitcoin for nothing – am I right?

Here’s where Lolli comes into play.

As a part of their mission to bring bitcoin into the mainstream of financial buzz, they’re offering a rewards program.

Old-school traders fear this currency that they don’t yet understand, but even they should be able to admit the opportunity in acquiring free bitcoin.

Lolli has just given you a coupon worth 10k, and all you have to do is order in, or shop online, or book a hotel.

They’ve partnered with Postmates food delivery, over 750 online retailers, and, to name a few.

Purchasing from any of their affiliated brands enrolls you in the rewards system, and then the bitcoin is yours.

The company reports that 40% of its users are new to crypto – so not having touched bitcoin before is not an excuse!

Their main goal is to get this undiscovered trophy out of the rumor mill and into the accepted part of finance.

No matter where you stand on that front, you might as well profit from their efforts along the way.