The stock market finally broke

sean-bowerThe stock market has basically been going nowhere fast since the beginning of 2015…until last week, that is.

Starting last Tuesday, the stock market hit 5 straight down days. And the last 3 were strong enough to push the benchmark S&P 500 index below its 70-week moving average.

What happened? What’s next? Let’s get some answers and find out how you could be making money from this market action.

So, what are some things that could have caused such serious hits to Wall Street?

Well, firstly there’s the worry over China with their stock market as well as a currency war. And I suppose you can lump in the Greek economy issues in the same breath if you’d like.

Then there are the impending rate hikes, which are apparently set to be confirmed be the Federal Reserve at the upcoming September meetings.

Next we can look to decreasing oil prices stemming from an oversupply that’s hindering growth.

And finally we have some worries about the strength of the U.S. dollar, but all of these things are individual conversations for another day. That’s because I think there’s a much simpler explanation for the market fallout that takes all of these things into account…

Investors finally got tired of investing in a market that hasn’t been going anywhere…

…And when buyers stop buying, the sellers take over and can wreak havoc on stock market prices in days.

So what’s next for the stock market and how can we make money from it?

Most outlets are calling this drop “healthy” and stating that it’s nothing to worry about because it didn’t come from or cause mass fear. That thought alone should make you afraid.

I see it differently, while this may not mean we’re going to see 100 down days in a row, I’m trying to find out what will bring the buyers back and regain enthusiasm for this market.

This is the beginning of the end for this market.

But that’s OK…

First of all, with the strategies used in Code Breaker and other resources of ours, you can profit in any kind of market – bull, bear, transitioning…

But if this is indeed the end of this bull market, there’s a very specific way YOU could make a huge payday out of this situation, and that’s going to be part of next month’s issue of Midas Premium.