Profit from Putin’s biggest mistake

Russia is continuing its unruly invasion through Ukraine, and the shock has caused havoc in the stock market!

Since the breakout of the war, stocks have been down, up, and even sideways.

Some investors have had difficult times…

Others… are getting rich.

That’s because Russia enacted a trick we haven’t seen since the Nixon-Era! And YOU can get rich from it too…

The history buffs amongst you will know I can only be talking about 1 of a handful of things…

Gold-backed currency.

In the last couple of weeks, Russia announced it would be linking the Russian ruble to gold.

A move the United States made in 1944, which Nixon then controversially ended in 1971.

Switzerland was the most recent country to use this gold standard but ended it in 1999.

As this isn’t a history newsletter, let’s move onto what Russia’s announcement means to us today…

Let’s get down to the brass tacks: Russia now can’t just print money like the U.S. and other nations.

It must have the gold to back it up (although this is somewhat a self-governing process).

On the positive side for Russia, it does give the once-freefalling-currency some stability as we all know gold will not crash to $0.

My money move is this:

Don’t touch gold until Russia decouples the ruble from it again.

When the decoupling happens, I’ll be buying VelocityShares 3x Long Gold ETN (UGLDF) or a leveraged gold ETF similar in movement.

That’s because I expect a quick spike in gold when the decoupling does happen.

This pop will be amplified, because a lot of people are ready to sell their gold when we do see that announcement, and that’s because they’ve been duped.

They believe gold recently jumped when it did because of Russia’s announcement of the coupling, when in reality, it jumped because people were running to it for safety in fears of WWIII.

So, they’ll be selling, and I’ll be buying.

Do you plan on taking these riches with me?