How thanksgiving predicts money coming to you (or not)

This thanksgiving, like most thanksgivings, people come together, and in some cases people you haven’t seen for a while, especially since our reaction to Covid. As conversations begin, this year I want you to listen for certain things that could predict whether money is coming to you… or not.

Let me explain…

As Jim Rohn said, “You’re as successful as the average of the five people you hang out with most.” Why is this?

Humans are programmed to conform, for better or worse. Countless psychological studies have shown that humans would rather be wrong along with their “tribe” than be right and be alone.

Be mindful of the influences you allow to enter your head, especially when it comes to people close to you, senior to you, etc. which is more likely the case when family are near.

For some people, there’s always a reason why it can’t be done. To them, everything is a problem, every idea is flawed in some way, everything is too much work. To cut their long story short- as you must do, in your head- they’re simply lazy and/or negative people, either by their nature or because something has them stuck in a downward spiral, often from an event in childhood.

Some people just want to hold you back. Allow them to be a passenger on your journey and you can expect persistently draining comments/actions/energy from the back seat. But it’s never too late to open the car door and leave them at the roadside, if not physically, then mentally.

You know what I’m talking about, and there’s no getting away from these dream-draining naysayers on family occasions, but you can be mindful of what’s entering your head. You can consider the source of the noise and ask if that’s a qualified source to be telling you anything about the subject. Ask if this person has accomplished what it is you wish to accomplish or what stage they’re at in accomplishing it. Apply this everywhere you go, work, socializing, etc.

Most of all, make sure YOU aren’t a member of the “It Can’t Be Done” club. We all have a sad story, we all have a past, but we can’t let it dictate our present, because the present mindset prescribes our future reality.

If ever you find yourself slipping into the naysayer mentality, reset your thinking by quickly employing a tactic that we are forced into employing on thanksgiving: Gratitude. Give thanks for the simple fact that you can read this article. Begin a habit of starting each day by giving thanks for your blessings. Whatever your circumstances, someone somewhere is praying to be in your shoes.

But that does NOT mean we settle for what we have or give up on our dreams! No. Gratitude is only the first building block of your tower of dreams because it instantly shifts our mindset from the negative to the positive, from the past to the present. Only once this platform is in place can we get started on making all the money you want.

If we’re as successful as the people we hang out with, you MUST spend a whole year with me. Our 5th Annual Wealth Summit is less than a couple of weeks away, it’s live and virtual in the comfort of your own home, and it is going to be our best one yet, not least of all because it comes with a year of one-on-one wealth coaching with me. You MUST not miss this event, and this will be your only way to have a year of coaching with me. Click here to secure your place.