For investment pioneers only

jim-samsonSure, you can make solid profits by intelligently investing in the right tech stocks, exchange-traded funds, etc., etc. You can even make big money by utilizing the secrets we can provide you with through courses like Code Breaker.

But the biggest winners of all are the pioneers of the stock market who swing for the fences and catch a fastball on the sweet spot of the bat. Those people combine our secrets with pure ambition.

If you’re in investment pioneer, here are 2 territories you will want to explore now:

Are you always looking for new ways to invest? Do you find yourself constantly thinking about the current trends of society and what they will lead to? Are you already seeking the answers to questions most people hadn’t even though of yet?

If those characteristics apply to you, you’re likely an investment pioneer whether you know it or not.

If so, good for you. Most people never think about jumping in the deep end of the pool without first dipping their toes in the shallow end to make sure the water isn’t too cold.

And here are the 2 things investment pioneers have to at least begin exploring:

1. The emerging marijuana industry
2. Climate change

Stick with me for just a moment so I can explain…

First of all, it doesn’t matter whether you’re for legalized marijuana or not. It’s a growing industry—that much cannot be disputed.

Legal marijuana sales skyrocketed from $1.5 billion 2 years ago to $2.7 billion last year. That’s an increase of 80%!

Now, many of the companies involved in that business are still small, yet growing, and aren’t publicly traded just yet. But many soon will be, so now is the perfect time to start doing your homework and picking out which ones will be the most successful when the time comes.

Plus, you don’t have to focus solely on marijuana producers to hit the jackpot (no pun intended)…

What about the companies producing the ancillary products related to marijuana? What about the innovative company already starting to deliver marijuana to the doors of buyers?

Think outside the box if you really want to profit.

As for climate change, understanding what the affects will be on different investments and market sectors is a bit harder to wrap your head around.

For instance, a 1% change in the climate might benefit certain markets, such as timber and agriculture. However, if that climate change climbs to 2%, it could negatively affect those same markets.

What’s almost a certainty is that whatever companies (most likely tech companies) are able to foresee the impact of climate change, understand and study it, and reverse the negative affects of it will be the ones seeing massive gains.

Remember, it’s never too early to start investigating where the next Facebook or Tesla will come from.