Easiest 53% Profit You Ever Make

We often talk about looking to the stock charts to inform our investment decisions, and not relying on rumors and “noise” coming from Wall Street.

While the educated Average Joe investor is able to read these charts and glean the necessary information (along with my assistance), the industry insiders rely almost entirely on the information not found in the charts.

That’s because they have the information before it shows up in the charts and can use that information to turn an easy 53% profit in 24 hours.

The good news is, I’m going to show you how to think like an industry insider right now, and you too can watch your investments soar before anyone else even realizes what’s happening.

So, what is the biggest difference between you and the industry insiders?

Well the easy answer is inside information.

The industry insiders have companies whispering in their ears, and have their finger on the pulse of those companies.

Because of this, they know when a company is releasing a new product or service, or merging, or whatever it may be that is likely to send a company’s stock way up.

Armed with that information, they’re able to buy more shares when the stock is low, and then once that information is released and the Average Joe investors pour in, they’re able to sell their shares and cash out BIG.

Sounds pretty awesome, right?

Well luckily for you, I’m here to arm you with the same information the industry insiders use to get rich.

When looking for these secretly crazy-profitable stocks, I often turn to the pharmaceutical sector.

Why is that?

Well for starters, pharmaceutical companies are a bustling industry filled with companies racing to get their pioneering drugs out first and corner that market.

Because of that there’s typically a lot of behind-the-scenes information being passed around amongst industry insiders, whether it’s a new drug about to hit the market, or early approval from the FDA.

To put all of this in perspective, let’s take a look at the stock chart for Marinus Pharmaceuticals (MRNS).

Now this chart may not look like much to you as is.

We see a lot of up-and-down and some high highs, but where it is at the moment isn’t anything to write home about.

However, if you look closely, you’ll see that from December 6th’s low point to the high point of the very next day, the stock jumped 53%!

This is when it’s important to know what the industry insiders know, and for that, we look to the past, and hope that those moves are replicated in the future.

MRNS is a pharmaceutical company that has been working on a drug to treat pediatric epilepsy. It is an anti-seizure and anti-anxiety drug.

MRNS has also been testing the efficacy of the drug on women suffering from post-partum depression (this is where the anti-anxiety properties play in).

The results of those studies are coming out in early 2018.

Although there are other pharmaceutical companies developing new drugs to treat epilepsy, MRNS is branching out and that will help in their race to be first.

So, keep your eye on MRNS and wait to see when it’ll hit that Simple Moving Average (SMA).

You may see the industry insiders rushing in as a result of the study results, and you’ll know that’s your time to make big money.

Do not miss out on your easiest 53% profit ever!