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The biggest mistake you could be making

It’s just human nature, but it’s also the reason why so many people struggle and normally lose money in the stock market… Are you making this big mistake?

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Play gold like this (if you want to profit)

Gold. Just saying the word out loud makes even the most modest of men dream of wealth and riches. And this precious commodity continues to be a means by which fortunes are built, just as it almost always has. This is how gold could make YOU wealthy in 2015…

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What the market hinges on in 2015

At the end of 2014, the stock market is leaving us with plenty of cliffhangers to ponder about. And what happens with a few of the most vital of those cliffhangers will likely decide what path the market takes in the year to come. Here’s what you should keep an eye on as we move

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Making sense of the December market

What does every investor and trader want to know? Where the market is headed. But to figure that out, we first must comprehend what’s taking place now, and how that could impact the immediate future of the market. Here’s what I expect after making sense of the market this month…

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Could you ride this stock to profits?

1 stock I’ve had my eye on lately has boasted nearly 200% gains since the beginning of 2012, and it doesn’t appear to be slowing down. That’s because, on top of some fortunate regulations and circumstances, this company has been aggressively growing. Is now the time to get in on it?

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How to pick out strongest stocks

To make great money through stocks in a bull market, you need to be able to consistently find the strongest stocks at different times. And while doing so isn’t exactly easy, it doesn’t have to be as difficult as many people try to make it. Instead, here’s what you need to do…

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Why oil could climb 153%!

When you look back at trades and investments you‘ve made, you won’t be the most upset about the stocks you bet on that took small losses. Instead, the thing you will regret the most is having a chance to get in on something potentially huge, missing it, and having to watch it climb as you

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Take the market’s hint to you…

Making sure you’re protected from losing significant amounts of money is just as important as trying to make more money. And while you may not realize it, the stock market gives us hints when it’s time to be defensive. Here’s the hint it’s giving us now…

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Why most people invest the wrong way…

I was recently reading an article about a stock market challenge for high school students in Colorado, and a very basic but important point was brought up… Whether they realize it or not, most Americans have a stake in the stock market. And here’s why a large portion of them are doing it all wrong…

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This stock has everything we want!

Once every so often, a stock comes around that I like so much that I can’t help but share it with my readers. And I only get this excited about something that has virtually everything we want in a stock, all rolled up into 1. Here is the stock I’m raving about…

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