Blog Archives

It’s the dawn of this new era

As time moves on, new eras are born. And when these new periods come of age, drastic changes can upheave the way things are in modern society. With some gigantic news that occurred just days ago, it’s now become evident that we’re standing on the doorstep of a new era. Will you be ready as

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How Obama (accidentally) boosted gun stocks

Gun control has been one of the biggest talking points of the Obama administration, and it appears that vehement discussion is going to continue through the end of his time in the White House. And although Obama strives to tighten gun control and make it harder to obtain guns, he had a very opposite affect

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A secret weapon of investing

Although it’s only 1 small part of the equation, I have a secret weapon that helps me clearly see when there’s a big chance for a really nice payday. The best part is that all you need to know in order to access this secret weapon are 3 letters and 1 number. It’s really that

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We’re hanging on by this thread

The stock market is made up of a vast collection of all kinds of different companies, right? From gigantic biotech stocks to tiny consumer goods stocks, there are thousands of securities running through the veins of Wall Street. So why are only a select few holding up the stock market on their own? Wall Street

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Warren Buffett’s best advice for YOU

“Wall Street is the only place that people ride to in a Rolls-Royce to get advice from those who take the subway.” That’s amazing to think about, but Warren Buffett is right – people with money are constantly taking advice from people with no investment success. Instead, you should be taking advice from those who’ve

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How much higher can we go?

At this point that big scare of August feels like it happened years ago. Now the market is flying again, and the big question has switched from “Is this the beginning of the bear market?” to “How much higher can we go?” It certainly feels like a new high is in the cards for Wall

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How Obama is poisoning the economy

We could very well see a big downturn in the economy stemming from a struggling stock market in the near future, and it could very well be because of President Obama. Without even trying, Obama could be poisoning the economy right now. And if history is any guide, the consequences could be devastating…

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The lies fund managers love telling

In a recent poll of fund managers, more than half said that they still expect the market to climb higher through at least 2016, while just over 15% claimed to be bearish. That’s no surprise to me considering what I know about fund managers and how they make their money. Here are the common lies

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Here’s the biggest deal of its kind

Just in the past few days, what would be the biggest deal of its kind and one of the top acquisitions ever was just agreed to. The $14 billion deal is set to create a sort of super power in its industry, with an enhanced arsenal of goods that have accounted for sales of roughly

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How to find the best ‘lottery’ stocks

The stock market is about making money, and there’s one sector of Wall Street that offers you the best chance at hitting it big like a winning lottery ticket – technology. But tech stocks also happen to be some of the most difficult to predict. Why? Because many tech companies aren’t exactly what you’ve always

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