Inflation in America is at a 40-year high.
That means your dollars are worth less and less every day.
And there’s no promise we’ll see this wild inflation go away any time soon!
There’s nothing we can do about inflation, but there is a special hack that keeps your money where it belongs.
This hack is so powerful, its inflation rate is 5x LOWER than the dollar.
Inflation is natural… but it’s up to you how much of it you want to suffer…
As you may have guessed, this inflation hack involves parking your money in something more stable than the dollar.
Most people flock to gold or bonds at times like these, but those are both still dependent on the price of the dollar and the inflation it comes with.
When I started to see inflation rising, I set out to find something more independent and less dollar reliant.
It turns out that “something” was right under our noses.
Bitcoin’s inflation is now 5x lower than the U.S. dollar’s, and it’s decreasing.
I know Bitcoin (and cryptocurrency in general) has been pinned as volatile and unstable, but what we’re truly seeing is that the dollar is shrinking, and your bank account is being hurt the most.
What’s so stable about a paper currency that is becoming more and more worthless as time goes on?
Most people look at inflation as the cost of goods going up…
In reality, it’s more the value of the currency going down.
We’ve been around this roundabout many times before, but I’ll repeat what I’ve been telling you for years (especially the last couple of years!):
The more dollars the Federal Reserve prints, the less the dollars in your bank are worth.
Bitcoin has a finite amount.
It’s got a fixed supply.
Once that fixed supply is on the market, there’ll be no more produced.
That means Bitcoin won’t see inflation based off money printing.
So, the next time somebody laughs at your Bitcoin investment and calls it “volatile”, ask them about the inflation and devaluation of the U.S. dollar.
Bitcoin is an inflation hack, and it’s one of the only true ways to keep your money where it belongs.
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