A single signature doubles your $117k payout

I’m about to disclose an insider secret that could get you a payout of $117,321, but before I get into that I have to tell you how that number could double with a single signature from one of the world’s most powerful men.

Just to be clear, this single signature could be worth $234,642 to you…

Think about what you could do with that payout… it’d be life changing, and I’ll show you exactly how you can be exposed to this money with a few clicks of a button.

Like I said, I’ll soon explain exactly how you can get this $117,321 payout AND double it after a single document is signed, but first let me fill you in on why this payout could double…

The signature I’m talking about is Donald Trump’s and the document I’ve mentioned is the tax reform bill.

As you’ll soon see, the insiders are going to be the ones leading us to the $117,321 payout, but it’s companies like Berkshire Hathaway that’ll be helping us double that.

You see, the tax reform bill calls for corporation tax to be dropped from its current 35% to 20%… and it’s on the brink of being passed.

All it needs right now is Trump’s signature.

The reason we’re looking at companies like Berkshire Hathaway is because they’ll be the ones to benefit most from this reform.

The companies I’m talking about are all up to date on their taxes and haven’t deferred any of their taxes to be paid later on.

You see, it works like this:

The companies—like Berkshire Hathaway—have been paying their taxes as their income has been piling in.

That means if the new tax reform bill is passed they’ll be immediately exposed to the corporation tax cut.

Their profits will then be magnified, allowing them to report that extra 15% income that would’ve been taxed however they please.

This will of course affect the price of their shares.

The companies that’ll get hit the hardest are the ones that’ve been deferring their taxes.

Those deferred taxes will not be subject to the new tax rate—they’ll undergo the original 35% until all tax deferrals have been paid.

This means these companies will then suffer when it comes time to report profits and losses on a quarterly or semi-annually basis.

This predicament the tax-deferred companies have got themselves into will be magnified when their non-tax deferred competitors reveal their profits and losses.

This could of course sink some big companies as their true financial numbers are revealed.

Now, the insider secret I’m about to expose to you relies on listening to the executives of certain companies and following their money trail.

But this extra factor will tell us which of these companies will suffer the 35% tax rate for years to come, and which companies have been up to date with their tax payments.

I’d like to think it’s fairly obvious which of these two types of companies you’d like to invest in…

The reason the $117,321 payout could double is because investors will flock to the companies that’ve kept their tax payments current.

The upper-hand we have is that we’ll be able to invest our money in the right companies before anybody else hears the news.

I’ll show you exactly how we’re going to do this in a special report by our sister publication, The Midas Legacy, when you click here