We all know how a dam works – it’s a huge barrier placed in the path of a flowing body of water that holds it back on one side, creating a reservoir.And what happens when the dam starts to crack? Water from the reservoir begins streaming through the first crack, causing more and more to form. The pressure builds quickly until the dam can no longer resist and the reservoir comes exploding through the dam wall.
Well, there’s been a massive money reservoir building up against a dam, and the first cracks are showing. This is how to make sure you’re standing on the other side when the dam fails…
To put it simply, the key to making sure you’re standing on the other side of the dam when the wave of money crashes through the dam wall is to know what’s in the reservoir: precious metals.
But putting yourself in the best position to profit the most when the dam breaks comes down to what that dam is made of and why cracks are forming so rapidly…
The Dam
The price of a metal, like gold, is derived from a number of sources: demand, the amount in the reserves of central banks, the value of the dollar, and the sentiment investors take towards gold as a safe haven away from stocks.
Instead of concrete and metal, the dam holding back the reservoir of precious metals has been made up of a mixture of those things working against the price of gold, such as a strengthening dollar value.
But now the cracks are forming…
The Cracks
The dam that’s been holding back precious metals has held steady for years, but the cracks are now multiplying, sending streams of cash shooting through the barrier.
Talks with China have led to the simultaneous devaluation of our currencies, meaning a weakening dollar…crack.
Central banks have been loading up on gold, increasing demand for the precious metal…crack.
A tumultuous time for the stock market has turned many investors towards gold, seeing it as a safe haven once again…crack.
With cracks multiplying so quickly, not even the dam repairmen (the Fed) can stop the flow of water before the dam bursts and send the massive money reservoir flowing freely.
With that in mind, I’m going to be as clear as possible…
Now is the time to buy gold. Now is the time to buy silver.
The only question left becomes how to buy gold and silver – should you buy the actual precious metals directly? Should you invest in gold and silver funds? Should you turn to auxiliary options like gold and silver streaming companies?
Those are the answers that subscribers to Midas Wave Alerts and CHIRP are getting right now.
Don’t miss out on the massive money reservoir when it comes exploding through the dam…
This is most interesting. Keep me in the loop.
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